About Me

Let me tell you a few things...

Curt Grogan Bio Picture


I am a reborn software developer following my passion by returning to the field. After completing the immersive Full Stack Web Developer program at the prestigious Suncoast Developers Guild, I have joined the FDM Group as a Software Engineer Consultant. I love learning new skills & technologies and collaborating with colleagues to expand my understanding of the technology and people with whom I work.

The quote that brought me back to the fold is by Howard Thurman, “Don’t ask what the world needs. Ask what makes you come alive, and go do it. Because what the world needs is people who have come alive.”

Suncoast Developers Guild

Full Stack Developer Immersive Bootcamp

Web Developer Certificate earned via the immersive full-time web development program on campus in St. Petersburg, FL. Front-end (client-side) and back-end (server-side) programming facilitated via project-based learning.
The Projects page highlights some of the projects I completed including the capstone project which was a full-stack application.

  • Front-end: React, Axios, JavaScript, HTML5, CSS3, and SASS/SCSS
  • Back-end: C# | .NET Framework, Entity Framework Core, PostgreSQL, and REST API
  • Tools: Visual Studio Code (VS Code), GIT, GitHub, Docker, Heroku and Netlify

FDM Group

Software Engineer

I am a software engineer with a range of responsibilities, including: writing, developing, testing, and reviewing code. After successfully completing FDM's industry recognized training I have worked on multiple projects. Our projects utilize Agile methodologies and I serve as a front-end & back-end developer, and as a Scrum Master at times.

  • Languages: Java, TypeScript, JavaScript, HTML5, CSS3, SQL, SOQL, and Apex
  • Frameworks, Libraries, etc.: Angular, Spring Framework, Thymeleaf, and JUnit
  • Tools: Eclipse, Maven, Tomcat, VS Code, Oracle SQL Developer, GIT, GitLab, and Salesforce

Greenway Health

Workforce Management Analyst

Consistently a top performer starting out as a software support technician for Electronic Healthcare Records software, then moving into a supervisory role on the support team, and culminating in joining the new Workforce Management team successfully implementing a new WFM system for scheduling, monitoring, and reporting for the call center and back office teams.